As some of you already know, Oracle playing card goodies are coming soon to the Dead on Paper website for purchase. We are hoping to have everything up by April.
Packages have been arriving here at the Ovdiyenko homestead recently on a fairly regular basis. Every time something comes in I find myself doing a happy dance-a dance that probably looks like a heinous mix of the pee pee dance and the Macarena-alas, John Travolta I am not. The most embarrassing of all dances I have found myself engaged in (and I am happy to report that only my cats were home to witness it) occurred after I opened the carton filled with these beauties:
These planchettes are part of the Oracle Bicycle Limited Edition package. Only 1000 will ever be made available. Our Kickstarter backers (thank you, my friends!) have already ordered over half of them, and the other half will be available on Dead on Paper.
Another much anticipated arrival is the Oracle coins. The detail on these babies is drool worthy! Chris has been asking his coin questions and it seems to be fairly accurate. The other day I heard him asking his coin, "Am I lame?" Thankfully, unless you say the answer out loud, no one else will know what the coin determines is true. Is he lame? Only the coin knows for sure:
The Oracle stickers are amazing and will look awesome on the back of my Mini Cooper. That is, if it ever stops snowing so I can stick them on!
Our friends at T-shirt Express (local to Mt. Vernon, Ohio) outdid themselves yet again with these badass Oracle T-shirts. They will be available on the DOP website in Men's sizes S, M, L & XL:
We are absolutely thrilled to be receiving such lovely packages lately and even more thrilled to get these up on the site for all to enjoy. There is more to come-Chris is pulling prints as we speak and the cards should arrive from USPCC shortly. I can't wait to hold the cards in my hands. They are printed with metallic inks, the tuck cases feature metallic foils and inks, and the card designs themselves are so ornate. There are more pictures to come soon so please stay tuned.
Thanks for stopping by!